A Colorado Congregation: Where the Spirit Moves You
Esa eynay el heharim mey’ayin yavo ezri…
Psalm 121:1 reads: Esa eynay el heharim mey’ayin yavo ezri — I lift my eyes up to the hills. From where does my help come? Ezri me’im adonay oseh shamayim va’aret — It comes from The One, the maker of the heavens and earth.
Regardless of how long you’ve lived in Colorado, you know that it is a special place, marked by extraordinary natural beauty. As you might imagine, this psalm takes on a special meaning at Congregation Beth Evergreen. One cannot witness the grandeur of the Colorado Rockies without sensing something much greater than ourselves at work.
That sense of wonder infuses spiritual life here at CBE. True to our adventurous mountaineering spirit, we’re not afraid to experiment with form and style, welcoming and supporting a variety of Jewish spiritual paths.
Re-Constructing Congregational Life
In keeping with Reconstructionist philosophy, we strive to explore the thoughts and reasoning behind Jewish rituals, laws, and traditions, and adapt them to serve our spiritual lives today. We consider not just the intellectual component of Jewish practice, but the emotional and spiritual components across a variety of Jewish cultural legacies. We also work to engage congregants to the greatest extent possible, regardless of the degree of familiarity with Jewish rituals and traditions.
We also believe that congregants play a vital role in developing and contributing to spiritual leadership and practice. There are frequent lay led services, and every service seeks to include members of the congregation through music, readings, or chanting the Torah portion. By partnering membership with rabbinic and lay leadership, we’re working to create a true kehilah kadosh, a holy community.
Demonstrating Diversity
At least one Friday night and one Saturday morning service every month follows the traditional Ashkenazi (Eastern European) form most American Jews find familiar. But at least one Friday night and one Saturday morning are reserved for experimenting with different forms. For example, the third Friday night each month is our “Mostly Music” service, featuring skilled musicians on a variety of instruments leading us in traditional, Jewish Contemporary, or even Sephardic melodies that lift the spirit. This service is often preceded by a reflective, meditation service.
Alternating Shabbat mornings and holiday services throughout the year might be devoted to interactive Torah study, family friendly programming, a Jewish chanting or meditative service, or other creative expressions of Jewish worship. Whether led by our versatile rabbi or by congregants whose experiences span the generations, Shabbat and holiday services at CBE strive to meld our respect for tradition with our innovative and independent spirit. Our ever-expanding opportunities to gather for Sabbath and holidays are welcoming and inclusive, participatory and engaging, musical and joyful.
Making Meaningful Connections
Simply, our goal is to provide our members with a variety of ways to express their sense of spirituality brought to the surface by our incredible mountain setting. Regardless of where you are along your path, CBE can provide you opportunities to learn, to teach, to participate, and to take part in Jewish communal life in ways that are meaningful and important to you, and to build a community of chaverim, of friends in this majestic place we call home.
Fri, February 7 2025
9 Shevat 5785
The midot of the month of January are empathy (rachamim) and antipathy.
Useful Links
- Mi Sheberach Form (prayer list)
- Make a Donation
- Order a Yahrzeit Plaque
Today's Calendar
Friday Morning Meditation : 9:00am |
NIA Dance Classes : 9:00am |
: 10:00am |
Candle Lighting : 5:19pm |
: 6:00pm |
NIA Dance Classes : 6:00pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:19pm |
: 6:00pm |
NIA Dance Classes : 6:00pm |
Shabbat Day
NIA Dance Classes : 9:00am |
: 10:00am |
Havdalah : 6:20pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 7 NIA Dance Classes Friday, Feb 7 9:00am |
Feb 7 |
Feb 7 NIA Dance Classes Friday, Feb 7 6:00pm |
Feb 8 NIA Dance Classes Shabbat, Feb 8 9:00am |
Feb 8 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Beshalach
Shabbat, Feb 8 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 7, 5:19pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 8, 6:20pm |
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13 |