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Rosh Hashanah Day 2

Friday, October 4, 2024 2 Tishrei 5785

10:00 AM - 12:00 PMPine Valley Ranch Park

All welcome.  Pre-registration requested (see below).

Join four dynamic front-range congregations on the banks of picturesque Platte River to celebrate the Jewish New Year on Friday morning, October 4. Share music, meditation, and stories, hear the sounds of the shofar [ram’s horn], and toss some atoning breadcrumbs for the ritual of tashlich with members of Congregation Beth Evergreen (Evergreen), B’nai Havurah (Denver), Temple Micah (Denver), and B’nai Chaim (Morrison) at Pine Valley Ranch Park for an outdoor celebration of the second day of Rosh Hashanah. All are welcome. Please PRE-REGISTER, prepare to be outside in the sun (and/or rain), and BRING YOUR OWN SEATING (e.g. camping chairs), and crumby regrets to toss. The meeting spot is on the West side of the creek over the bridge behind the last parking area..

Back by popular demand, this is the second annual joint (second day) Rosh Hashanah inter-congregational gathering.  Leadership of the service will be shared, and participation encouraged. Facilitating the service will be Rabbi Jamie Arnold, Laura Berman, and Penny Drucker from Congregation Beth Evergreen; Rabbi Katie Mizrahi and Hal Aqua from B’nai Havurah; and Rabbi Adam Morris from Temple Micah. The service will revolve around the calls of the shofar and the ritual of tashlich, casting bread crumbs (as symbolic representations of our regrets from the past year) into running water, augmented with great music, guided reflection, small group discussion, and the beauty of the natural world. 

An optional hike will run before the morning service, leaving at 9:00 am and returning in time for Tashlich. 

SCHEDULE (approximate)

9:00 am: Arrive, find parking, explore park, and help set up
9:00 am: Hikers leave for optional hike
10:00 am:  Morning Service (a meditative and musical frame for hearing the calls of the shofar) 
11:15 am:  Tashlich Service (tossing regret-laden breadcrumbs into the creek)
11:30 am:   Closing songs and ‘open house’ social time




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Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784